Business Centres

Business Centres

You’re working from home and need space to get your work done in a quiet place. Your community’s business centre is the perfect answer. This amenity is open 24 hours on a first-come, first-served basis, and is exclusive to residents.

Here is what you will find at the centre:

Three ergonomically friendly workstations with adequate lighting.
Sanitized and clutter-free tables with a potted plant to keep you company.
Office chairs with built-in lumbar support for a comfortable seating posture.
Free and unlimited Wi-Fi.
An in-house printer for your official documents. Get your prints at just a dirham a page by contacting the concierge. Payment is touchless via credit or debit card.


29 Boulevard, ground floor, Tower 2.
Standpoint, ground floor, Tower B. (Tower A residents must carry their access cards to enter Tower B).
Burj Vista, ground floor, Tower 1. (Tower 2 residents must carry their access cards to enter Tower 1).