Garbage disposal

Garbage disposal

Please ensure that it is sealed securely in a bag before putting it down the garbage chute. Then check the chute door is properly shut so residents can dispose of their rubbish on other floors. Under no circumstances should hot cooking oil or lit cigarettes, ashes, matches or candles be thrown down the chute, as any of these items could start a fire.
If your domestic helper disposes of your garbage, please make sure that he or she is also aware of the correct way to use the chute. Please do not leave items of oversized waste in the garbage chute room, instead make your own arrangements to dispose of this type of waste.
For recyclable waste, please dispose of your items in the recycling chute from the refuse room on your floor.

Please do not leave items of oversized waste in the garbage chute room, instead make your own arrangements to dispose of this type of waste by contacting any reputable waste collection service provider.