Golden Age Group Rendezvous

Golden Age Group Rendezvous

After more than a year of being at home, our beloved senior citizens of the Golden Age Group gathered for a much-awaited night out of meeting their peers. Close to 45 residents from Dubai Hills Estate, Vida Residences The Hills, and Al Murad Towers and The Greens and Views met at a multifunction hall in The Greens and Views on 07 October.

The evening took a festive turn with music, games, laughter, conversations and sumptuous food. The three-hour event concluded at 10 PM with the members hoping to catch up soon and already planning the next meet.

The Golden Age Group is a community group for residents above 60 years of age and is aimed at building bonds of friendship, respect and goodwill. If you are interested to join the group, please contact your community manager and we look forward to seeing you soon.