If you discover a real fire (including during a fire drill), don’t panic! Activate the nearest manual alarm call point, shout a warning to alert those close by, and evacuate as per the guidelines in this factsheet.
Follow the instructions of the building and area wardens at all times during an emergency. If the evacuation alarm sounds, or if instructed to do so by a Warden, leave the building by the nearest and safest fire exit route.
Leave doors closed but unlocked upon leaving; do not return to collect belongings and do not use the lifts. Walk quickly and calmly to the designated assembly area, or as advised by a Warden or Fire and Rescue Services personnel.
Do not re-enter the building but remain at the assembly area until instructed to leave by a Warden or Fire and Rescue Services personnel.
Check that all persons known to be in the building at the time have reached the assembly point – if anyone is missing, report it immediately to the community security, community manager or Dubai Civil Defence (DCD) personnel on-site.
Familiarise yourself, your family, and staff members, with the emergency escape routes when you first move into your building; always know at least two ways out. In case of an emergency, directional signs to emergency exits are illuminated and will remain illuminated for some time. Assembly Points are located at a safe distance from the building and are intended for evacuees to gather and remain safely until further instructions are provided.
Please contact your tower concierge or community security, who will advise you of the nearest fire assembly points for your tower.
There are stairwells in all towers as well as corridors that lead to a safe place outside the building. You will need to use these stairs, as the elevators will be shut down during the drill. When you exit the stairs, please move as quickly as possible to the assembly point.
People with disabilities who may need assistance during an emergency are required to notify the community manager or building security of their condition – they will then be assigned an aide to assist them during an evacuation. In the event of an evacuation, disabled persons should be escorted to the nearest stairwell and must wait until all other evacuees have left the floor. Wheelchairs should not be allowed in the stairwell until all persons have evacuated the floor unless there is an area of refuge large enough to easily accommodate them. Once the area is clear, the aide and the person requiring assistance can move into the stairwell and wait for further assistance from Emergency Personnel.
Yes. To enable us to contact you in case of an emergency and support the evacuation of disabled persons from the building, please provide us with your details. You can do this by logging on to this portal by select the LOG IN button on top and updating your profile on your dashboard. Alternatively, you can contact ECM on 800 EMAAR (36227) – the information you supply will be held in full confidence.
Dubai Civil Defence (DCD) will conduct all rescue and medical duties. Do not move the injured person and keep him/her laying down, covered, and warm.
Periodic maintenance and inspection procedures are in place for fire detection and firefighting equipment – but you can assist in ensuring that the systems and equipment used to detect and fight the fire, and support evacuations are maintained in good working order.
Smoke detectors, heat detectors, and sprinkler heads within apartments are checked and tested periodically. You will be advised when access to your unit is required for this purpose so please co-operate when requested. If you believe you have a faulty detector or sprinkler head, kindly report this immediately by calling 800 EMAAR (36227).
Please do not store any materials or household items in the common areas, including stairways, fire cabinets, apartment floor lobbies, or escape routes; report any violations at 800 EMAAR (36227).
You can also help by immediately reporting it if you notice any damage and/or signs of tampering with any of the equipment, blocked emergency exit paths or if any of the fire doors are not closing properly.
As per DCD requirements, each year Evacuation Drills must be conducted to test all safety systems and to ensure residents are aware of the safety and evacuation procedures in case of an emergency.
It is expected that the drill will take approximately 30 minutes barring any incidents that might occur during the proceedings.
No. As per DCD guidelines, the drill should simulate a real-life situation that requires a full evacuation.
To enable us to contact you in case of an emergency, as well as support the evacuation of disabled persons from the building, please update your details. You can do this by logging on to this portal by select the LOG IN button on top and updating your profile on your dashboard. We will treat any information you provide as confidential.
Fire Marshals will be wearing fluorescent safety jackets.
The retail units will also participate in the drill.
You will be informed by the Fire Marshal at the assembly point, once the drill is complete.